Content Policy

Version dated 273.08.2024

By registering on the app, you agree that content posted on the app may not be shared publicly by participants. You also agree that your entered data will be visible to other participants.

Embarking on this journey with Contributors, our vision extends beyond the ordinary, complementing the General Terms and Conditions of Service (GTS). To traverse our digital landscape, Creators pledge to refrain from uploading content that ventures into the following realms:

Youthful Innocence: Content portraying or referencing individuals under 18 is a forbidden realm unless armed with written documentation confirming the age and consent of those featured.

Forbidden Artifacts: Firearms, restricted goods, and drugs, along with themes of self-harm, suicide, incest, bestiality, and various explicit violent or sexually explicit activities, are barred.

Hate Speech & Privacy Invasion: Any content promoting hate speech or revealing personal data without consent is anathema. This includes unsolicited sexual content or language and manipulated sexual content.

Impersonation and Exploitation: Content falsely representing VUB / Port of Ostend or seeking monetary gains through coercive means is strictly prohibited.

These sacred prohibitions, if breached, may summon account restrictions, as foreseen in the GTS, a pact willingly accepted by Contributors. We, in our role as guardian, employs measures to ensure compliance, such as Contributor certification, content analysis via artificial intelligence, and a vigilant process for reporting and removing illegal content.

As guardians of this digital realm, we stand united against illicit content and online violence, striving to maintain the purity of our enchanted space.

In the spirit of creativity and responsibility,
Our team